Attendees at the CHIA NT Lessons Learnt Social Housing Management Transfers Workshop.

Yesterday, Community Housing Industry Association NT (CHIA NT) members, Community housing providers, the Registrar and NT Housing staff participated in the ‘Lessons Learnt of Social Housing Management Transfer with Link Wentworth’ workshop hosted by CHIA NT with support from NT Dept. Territory Families, Housing and Communities.

The event was presented by Amanda Murray, Head of Housing Services and Margaret Maljkovic, Chief Customer Officer of Link Wentworth in NSW, who have both worked extensively in NSW Government and Community Housing Providers across their careers.  Through Amanda and Margaret’s experience across both sectors, they shared valuable and extensive knowledge of social housing management transfer from both a Government and Community Housing Provider perspective.  With 35 people participating, this gave an opportunity for great discussion and knowledge exchange.

CHIA NT Chair, Karen Walsh said "This event today provides us with an opportunity to again congratulate the NT Government on the recently released NT Community Housing Growth Strategy 2022-32 and it's suite of initiatives that will be delivered through the Strategy, including social housing transfers, and it's fantastic that we have our colleagues from Link Wentworth here today to share their learnings and knowledge with the NT sector as we embark on our growth journey"

Attendees at the CHIA NT Lessons Learnt Social Housing Management Transfers Workshop.