We provide quality, affordable, safe and secure homes
Many of our tenants are ‘born and bred’ Territorians, who have experienced housing stress within the private rental market, despite working in jobs that are vital to the Territory’s economy. Our tenants are everyday people; mums, dads, tradies, nurses, teachers and shop assistants – all united in their need for a safe, affordable place to call home.
We focus on providing diverse affordable housing options for eligible people on very low to moderate incomes, offered at below market rent for medium to longer-term needs. Our commitment to our tenants includes providing housing and tenancy services that optimise every opportunity to help sustain their tenancies and to have a great experience living in our homes. Some households require support services to maintain their tenancy, so we collaborate with multiple stakeholders from the NT Government and the private sector to successfully co-design, deliver and support our tenants in their homes. By providing quality, affordable, safe and secure homes, our tenants have a solid foundation on which to build their lives.
Venture owns and manages homes in Greater Darwin, Palmerston, Katherine and Tennant Creek.

Affordable Housing
We own and manage a variety of affordable homes across Greater Darwin, Palmerston, Katherine and Tennant Creek. Under this scheme, properties can be leased with subsidised rent to eligible working households on low to moderate incomes.

Social Housing
The social housing services system aims to provide low-income people who do not have alternative suitable housing options with access to social housing assistance that supports their social and economic participation and their well-being. Social Housing is rental housing that is funded or partly funded by the government, and that is owned or managed by the government or a community housing provider – like Venture and let to eligible persons. Rent is usually set at around 25% of gross household income plus 100% of Commonwealth Rental Assistance.